Zen Practice for Prisoners
Gateway Journal
Gateway Journal was created in response to the enormous volume of mail we receive from prisoners nationwide inquiring about meditative training. Gateway offers advice on practice and features articles for prisoners by teachers of various traditions. Articles by Buddhist prisoners are a regular feature. An installment of Zen Karmics appears in each issue. Gateway Journal is free to prisoners. Articles by American spiritual teachers will be featured from time to time. The needs and concerns of prisoners will be addressed in a letters to the editor section. Issues of prisoner religious rights and legal commentary will be presented. Assistance in establishing prison practice communities and networking to provide volunteer support for them will take place through the pages of Gateway.It is our intention to furnish Gateway free of charge to incarcerated people. For those "on the outside", making a tax deductible donation and receiving a print subscription will assist in providing the funds to enable us to distribute the publication to prisoners gratis.The Journal presents a variety of styles of written material, helping us in communication with a wide audience. We introduced the first Zen Karmic project installment in the premier issue of Gateway (Summer 1995.) Gateway Journals including Zen Karmics are available by clicking on the cover pictures here:
The Engaged Zen Foundation, Inc., was formed as a not-for-profit corporation in 1994 for the purpose of serving the spiritual needs of prisoners and to establish a Zen Temple and Monastery. The Engaged Zen Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) corporation. All donations, bequests, gifts of real estate, personal property, securities or equipment are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.