Engaged Zen - Social Justice, Human Rights & Prison Links
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Anti-Racism Links
Buddhism: Critical Links
CO Resources
Death Penalty Links
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The Dalit People of India"
The Romani People - "Gypsies""
Drug Issues
Email Lists
Native American / First Nations People
Political Prisoners
Prison Medical Issues
Prison Links
Prison Rape
Prison Research Links
Rominger Legal On-line Research
Sexual Abuse by Clergy
Engaged Zen Foundation - Suggested Reading List | |
Prison Research |
USSC_08_1438.pdf |
The Constitution - Statutes - Codes | www.law.cornell.edu/statutes.html |
The National Institute of Justice | National Institute of Justice |
US House of Representitives | www.house.gov |
United States Senate | www.senate.gov |
Federal Prison Legislation | http://thomas.loc.gov |
National Conference of State Legislators | www.ncsl.org/ |
State Statutes and Regulations Governing Private Prisons | www.afscme.org/acu/ |
Prison Rape |
Just Detention International | www.justdetention.org/ |
Stories from Inside | www.justdetention.org/ |
Hope for Healing Information for Survivors of Sexual Assault in Detention |
www.justdetention.org/ |
In the Shadows Sexual Violence in U.S. Detention Facilities |
www.justdetention.org/ |
Still in Danger: The Ongoing Threat of Sexual Violence against Transgender Prisoners |
www.justdetention.org/ |
Our Children's House: Interviews With Youth on Their Experiences With Juvenile Detention | www.justdetention.org/ |
Abuse by Clergy |
20130531_Doyle_Bibliography.pdf |
The Irish Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse | www.childabusecommission.com/rpt/ |
Irish Reform Schools: Thousands Beaten, Raped | www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/05/20/ |
Deliver Us From Evil Filmmaker Amy Berg recounts a harrowing story of child abuse and how a serial child molester went free for the better part of two decades in this documentary. Oliver O’Grady was a Catholic priest who served in a number of parishes in Southern California during the 1970s and ’80s. O’Grady was also a habitual child molester who abused dozens of youngsters who were entrusted to his care, and while his superiors in the church were aware of O’Grady’s crimes as early as 1973, they opted to simply move him from one congregation to another rather than turn him in to authorities or strip him of his ordination. In Deliver Us From Evil, a number of O’Grady’s victims and their families discuss his crimes and the repercussions they feel to this day. O’Grady himself also appears in the film, speaking candidly about his career as a sexual predator and recounting his misdeeds in detail. (After finally being convicted of child sexual abuse, O’Grady served time in prison and now lives in Ireland, where he is still looked after by Catholic clergy.) Berg also offers a look into the history of the Catholic Church and how its leadership has often protected those within the hierarchy at the expense of their worshipers. Deliver Us From Evil was named Best Documentary Feature at the 2006 Los Angeles Film Festival. |
http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/deliver-us-from-evil/ |
Altar Boy: A Story of Life After Abuse | www.amazon.com/ |
Predatory Priests, Silenced Victims By Mary Gail Frawley-O'Dea, Virginia Goldner | http://books.google.com/ |
Sin against the innocents By Thomas G. Plante | http://books.google.com/ |
A Tragic Grace by Stephen J. Rossetti, Interfaith Sexual Trauma Institute | http://books.google.com/ |
Sex, Priests, and Secret Codes: The Catholic Church's 2,000 Year Paper Trail of Sexual Abuse by Thomas P. Doyle, A.W.Richard Sipe, Patrick J. Wall | www.amazon.co.uk/ |
Sexual abuse by clergy: A "perfect panic" | www.religioustolerance.org/ |
Boston Globe / Spotlight / Abuse in the Catholic Church | www.boston.com/globe/spotlight/abuse/ |
The Latin document "Crimene Solicitationis" was issued by the Vatican in 1962, the title translates to "crimes of solicitation." This document delineates the procedures to be invoked in dealing with cases of abuse of children by priests, cases where sex is solicited in the confessional and cases of homosexuality and bestiality. The secrecy invoked by the document is revealing, as it pledges even victims to silence under pain of excommunication. This document was distributed in Latin to every Bishop in the world. | "Crimene Solicitationis" English translaion. |
SNAP - The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests | www.snapnetwork.org/ |
BishopAccountability.org Sexual Abuse by Clergy |
www.bishop-accountability.org/ |
The Hope of Survivors | www.thehopeofsurvivors.com |
Rogue Clerics By Anson Shupe | www.books.google.com/ |
Buddhist Clergy Sexual Abuse: Annotated Bibliography. |
www.iivs.de/ |
Clergy Sexual Abuse: Annotated Bibliography of Conceptual and Practical Resources |
evingerbiblio.pdf |
The Shimano Archive - Redacted The Robert Baker Aitken archive on Eido Shimano and Zen Studies Society material. |
http://www.shimanoarchive.com |
genkaku-again - Eido Tai Shimano by Adam Fisher |
http://genkaku-again.blogspot.com |
Buddhist Channel Editorial An Elephant in the Closet of American Zen Buddhism Alleged misconduct of renowned Zen teacher Eido Shimano |
www.buddhistchannel.tv |
Brahmadana, Intervention, and Related Considerations In "Original Dwelling Place: Zen Buddhist Essays" by Robert Aitken, Roshi |
http://www.powells.com |
American Guru is a multifaceted account of life in the contemporary spiritual community known as EnlightenNext, and the controversial “teaching methods” of its New York-born founder, self-proclaimed “guru” Andrew Cohen. | http://americanguru.net/ |
Welcome to What Enlightenment??! A Guide to the Facts and First-hand Experiences of Former Students of American Guru, Andrew Cohen. |
http://whatenlightenment.blogspot.com/ |
Buddhism - Critical |
Critical Links to Buddhism and Lamaism | www.trimondi.de/EN/links.htm |
Is Zen Buddhism? | http://ccbs.ntu.edu.tw/ |
Zen at War | www.bpf.org/tsangha/ |
Coming Down from the Zen Clouds A Critique of the Current State of American Zen |
www.geocities.com/j |
The Reactionary Use of Karma in Twentieth Century Japan | http://jbe.gold.ac.uk/karma12/ |
Engaged Buddhism: A Skeleton in the Closet? | www.engaged-zen.org/articles/ |
Karma & Women: On why karma challenges rationalizations that try to naturalize violence against women | www.kyotojournal.org/ |
The Religion of Consumption: A Buddhist Rebuttle |
www.bpf.org/tsangha/loy-watts.html |
The Zen Master in America: Dressing the Donkey With Bells and Scarves | www.engaged-zen.org/articles/ |
Richard Baker and the Myth of the Zen Roshi | www.engaged-zen.org/articles/ |
Means of Authorization: Establishing Hierarchy in Chan/Zen in America | www.engaged-zen.org/articles/ |
Military / Draft - Conscientious Objection |
American Friends Service Committee- Youth and Militarism | www.afsc.org/youthmil/default.htm |
Before You Enlist Joinint the Military is Hazardous to Your Humanity | www.objector.org/before-you-enlist.html/ |
Can a Buddhist Join the Army? | http://web.singnet.com.sg/ |
Canadian folk singer Sara Marlow | www.willingspirits.com/worldtowin/CD2/ |
CCCO How to Compile a CO Claim: | www.girightshotline.org/discharges/co/ |
CCCO The Military Out of Our Schools Program | www.objector.org/recruiting.html |
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors | http://objector.org/ |
Citizen Soldier | www.citizen-soldier.org/CS03-ghanim.html |
Committee Opposed to Militarism and the Draft (COMD) | www.comdsd.org/ |
Courage to Resist | www.couragetoresist.org |
Daily Draft Dispatch | http://dailydraftdispatch.org/ |
Getting out of the Delayed Enlistment Program is easy | www.girightshotline.org/discharges/ |
GI Rights website | http://girightshotline.org/ |
GI Special | www.militaryproject.org/ |
International Action Center | www.iacenter.org |
Iraq Veterans Against the War | www.ivaw.net/ |
Leave My Child Alone A Family Project of Working Assets, Mainstreet Moms and ACORN | www.leavemychildalone.org/ |
Military Families Speak Out | www.mfso.org/ |
Nuremberg Principles Individuals have International Duties which Transcend National Obligations of Obedience | www.tomjoad.org/nuremberg.htm |
Peace Abbey Conscientious Objector National Registry | www.peaceabbey.org/confcenter/coregistry.htm |
Peace Out | www.peace-out.com |
People's Video Network | www.peoplesvideo.org |
Proyecto Guerrero Azteca | www.guerreroazteca.org/index.html |
Refusing to Kill | www.refusingtokill.net/ |
Sgt. Kevin Benderman, An American Hero by Hon. Cynthia McKinney | www.informationclearinghouse.info/ |
SNAFU | www.join-snafu.org |
The Dharma and The Military - The Buddhist Peace Fellowship | www.bpf.org/html/current_projects/peace_pa.. |
The Dharma and The Military - The Buddhist Peace Fellowship - Resources | www.bpf.org/html/current_projects/peace_pa... |
The Dharma and The Military - The Buddhist Peace Fellowship - Info for Armed Forces Personnel | www.bpf.org/html/current_projects/peace_pa... |
The Selective Service System About the Agency <ETH> Classifications | www.sss.gov/classif.htm |
The Selective Service System Fast Facts Conscientious Objection and Alternative Service | www.sss.gov/FSconsobj.htm |
Traveling Soldier | www.traveling-soldier.org |
U.S. War Heroes of the Iraq War War Resisters from within the Military | www.tomjoad.org/WarHeroes.htm |
Vietnam Veterans Against the War | www.vvaw.org/ |
War Resisters Support Campaign | www.resisters.ca/ |
Rominger Legal - MiniFinder |
AL | AK | AZ | AR | CA | CO | CT | DE | FL | GA |
HI | ID | IL | IN | IA | KS | KY | LA | ME | MD |
MA | MI | MN | MS | MO | MT | NE | NV | NH | NJ |
NM | NY | NC | ND | OH | OK | OR | PA | RI | SC |
SD | TN | TX | UT | VT | VA | WA | WV | WI | WY |
Prison Related |
Solitary Watch News from a Nation in Lockdown |
http://solitarywatch.com/resources/ |
![]() |
Fines, Failures and Dubious Practices in Private Adult Correctional Facilities Report by Stephen Nathan | www.opseu.org/ops/ministry/ |
Responsibility, Rehabilitation, and Restoration: A Catholic Perspective on Crime and Criminal Justice
A Statement of the Catholic Bishops of the United States |
www.nccbuscc.org/sdwp/ |
U.S. Department of Justice - Bureau of Justice Statistics | www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/ |
Critical Resistance challenge the Prison Industrial Complex |
www.criticalresistance.org/ |
Activists for Women in Prison | www.patrickcrusade.org |
Committee on Prison Accountability (COPA) | society@spinn.net |
National Center on Institutions and Alternatives | www.ncianet.org |
Progressive Lador Party Prison Labor: U.S. style fascism |
www.plp.org/pamphlets/ |
Joe Giarratano Official Web Site | www.truthinaction.net/ |
CURE Oregon | danderso@pcc.edu |
CURE Nevada | mmaharis@hotmail.com |
CURE Ohio | www.cureohio.org |
Prison Related Links | www.xs4all.nl/~tank/prlinks.htm |
Outlaws on Line | www.outlawsonline.com/ |
The Prisoners Wife's Handbook | www.geocities.com/~stomps/ |
M.A.C.C. | macc.4mg.com |
Cell Pals | www.cellpals.com/ |
Families to Amend California's Three Strikes (F.A.C.T.S.) | www.facts1.com/ |
Californians 2 Amend Three Strikes (C.A.T.S.) | mucsuss.tripod.com |
The Jeff Dicks Medical Foundation | www.jeffdicks.org |
Penn - Pals | www.pennpals.org |
Prison-Pals | http://members.tripod.com/~PrisonPals/ |
Prison 2000 - Reform or Warehousing | www.angelfire.com/in3/prisonreform/ |
Help Free Andrea Mims Site | www.freeandrea.org/webrings.htm |
Prison Legal News | www.prisonlegalnews.org |
Parents Against Cruel and Unusual Punishment (PAC-UP) | www.angelfire.com/ms/ |
Amnesty International (MEXICO) | www.laneta.apc.org |
Amnesty International (UK) | www.amnesty.org.uk/ |
California Prison Focus | www.prisons.org/ |
The November Coalition | www.november.org |
Workers Federation | http://mysite.verizon.net/cjhawk |
Connecting Threads Prison Outreach | www.geocities.com/connect_threads/ |
The Other Side Of The Wall | www.prisonwall.org/ |
Lady Gypsymoon | www.geocities.com/afgha/ |
Vision of Hope | VISIONOFHOPE2000@aol.com |
Coalition For Social Justice | http://mysite.verizon.net/cjhawk/csj.html |
Buddhadharma International Foundation, Inc. | www.buddhadharma.org |
Free Lori Berenson from Peruvian Prison | www.freelori.org/howtohelp.html |
Smart On Crime - A Citizen Lobby | Calder Square, P. O. Box 11111, State College, PA 16805-1111 e-mail: jph13@psu.edu |
The Bajito Onda Organization | www.bajitoonda.org/ |
Native American Inmates and Famalies Support Group | www.angelfire.com/wy/ |
Outlaws Unlimited | http---www.outlaws-Unlimited.com |
California Coalition for Women Prisoners - San Diego Chapter | P.O. Box 34196, San Diego, CA 92163 |
Common Sense - Prison Reform | jackdanford@aol.com |
People Against Injustice | sjoughin@earthlink.net |
Parole Centered Counseling Services | www.2parole.org |
The Truth Tree | www.truthtree.com/death.shtml |
International Citizens for Humane Incarceration at Parchman(ICHIP) | ichip@excite.com |
Prison Family Basics 101 - CA Support Group | prison_family_Basics_101@egroups.com |
Support Coalition International | www.MindFreedom.org |
The Celtic House (Halfway House for Ex-Prisoners) |
Celtichouse@aol.com |
Prison Activist Resource Center (PARC) | www.refuseandresist.org |
Southern California Criminal Justice Consortium | cjcsc@earthlink.net |
Liberation Collective | libco@mail.com |
Mutualaid | www.mutualaid.org/ |
Death Penalty Related |
This is a list of prisoners on death row in the United States. You can use it to search for a specific death row prisoner or to view information about different individuals in a state. | Prisoners on Death Row in the United States |
Capital Punishment: An Indictment by a Death-Row Survivor by Billy Wayne Sinclair and Jodie Sinclair | www.capitalpunishmentbook.com/ |
Religious Organizing Against the Death Penalty Project | www.deathpenaltyreligious.org/ |
Murder Victims Famalies for Reconciliation | www.mvfr.org/ |
National Coalition To Abolish the Death Penalty | www.ncadp.org/ |
Texas Defender Service | www.texasdefender.org/ |
Supreme Court of Florida: Briefs for Death Warrant Cases | www.flcourts.org/pubinfo/ |
The Nation: Death Row Roll Call | www.thenation.com/deathrow/ |
ACLU Abolitionist | http://archive.aclu.org/issues/ |
Amnesty International: Executions by State | http://agitator.com/dp/states/index.html |
Prison Activist Resource Center Death Penalty Page | www.prisonactivist.org/death-penalty/ |
The Bible's Teaching on Capital Punishment | http://logosresourcepages.org/capital.html |
North Carolina Department of Correction - The Death Penalty | www.doc.state.nc.us/dop/ |
Australian Broadcasting Corporation - Four Corners: Dead Kid Walking | www.abc.net.au/4corners/ |
History of Capital Punishment | www.helsinki.fi/~tuschano/cp/ |
Canadian Bring Back Capital Punishment Page | www.tpg1.com/protest/federal/ |
Administration and Compounding of Euthanasic Agents - Royal Dutch Society for the Advancement of Pharmacy | www.wweek.com/html/ |
A Monitor: Methods of Execution & Protocols by: Committee on Criminal Justice - The Florida Senate | www.fcc.state.fl.us/fcc/reports/ |
The International Bannister Foundation (German/Swiss/Austrian Site) | http://mitglied.lycos.de/sanctuary67/ |
Oregon Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty | http://members.tripod.com/ocadp |
The Men on Virginia's Death Row | www.vadp.org/menrow.htm |
Polunski Unit (f.k.a. Terrell Unit) | www.deathrow.at/welcometohell/ |
Dead Man Talkin' | http://utopia.knoware.nl/users/annegr/ |
Death Penalty News & Updates | http://people.smu.edu/rhalperi/ |
Abolitionist Action Committee | www.abolition.org |
Australian Coalition Against Death Penalty (ACADP) | www.ACADP.com |
Capital Punishment Resources | www.consumerinjurylawyers.com/ |
Drug Issues |
Cannabis Action Network | http://jug-or-not.com/can/ |
Washington Hemp Education Network (WHEN) | WHENBOARD@hemp.net |
AZ4NORML | mmackenzie@prodigy.net |
Maine Marijuana Policy Initiative | www.mainecommonsense.org |
Political Prisoners |
Solidariteitsgroep Politieke Gevangenen | www.xs4all.nl/~tank/ |
Prison Radio | http://prisonradio.org/ |
Mumia Abu-Jamal's Freedom Journal | www.mumia.org/ |
The Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal | www.freemumia.org/ |
Abu-Jamal News | www.abu-jamal-news.com/ |
Millions 4 Mumia | www.mumia2000.org/ |
Partisan Defense Commitee | www.partisandefense.org/ |
4strugglemag | www.4strugglemag.org/ |
National Jericho Movement | www.thejerichomovement.com/ |
Anti-Oppression |
Prison Industries Reform Act of 1999 |
University of Minnesota Human Rights Center |
Anti-Racism |
Why Educators Can't Ignore Indian Mascots | www.aics.org/mascot/cornel.html |
Images of Aboriginal People in Contemporary Media | www.schoolnet.ca/aboriginal/issues/ |
The Suppressed Speech of Wamsutta (Frank B. James), Wampanoag | http://idt.net/~uaine19/wmsuta.htm |
The Dalit People
Quotations of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar | www.onedropindia.org/ |
Dalit Freedom Network | www.dalitnetwork.org/ |
Dalit Voice | www.dalitvoice.org/ |
Dalit Solidarity News - Blog | http://dalits.blogspot.com/ |
Dalit Resource Center G.B. Pant Social Science Institute |
http://www.bdsa.org/ |
Human Rights Watch Report - Hidden Apartheid | www.hrw.org/ |
International Dalit Solidarity Network | www.idsn.org/ |
The Ambedkar Principles | www.indianet.nl/ |
Dalit Solidarity Network UK | www.dsnuk.org/ |
Dalit Freedom Network | www.dalitnetwork.org/ |
Dalit Freedom Network Definitions |
www.dalitnetwork.org/go?/ |
CasteWatch UK | www.castewatchuk.org/ |
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar & His People | www.ambedkar.org/ |
Federation of Ambedkarite & Buddhits Organisations - UK |
www.ambedkar.org/report.html |
Navsarjan - A grassroots Dalit organization | http://navsarjan.org/ |
Indian Institute of Dalit Studies | www.dalitstudies.org.in/ |
Dalit Foundation - New Delhi | www.dalitfoundation.org/ |
Janvikas (Japanese language site) | http://janvikasin.org/ |
National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights | www.ncdhr.org.in/ |
National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights National Dalit Movement for Justice |
www.ncdhr.org.in/ndmj/ndmj |
Drishti Media | www.drishtimedia.org/ |
National Conference of Dalit Organisations - Delhi | www.nacdor.org/ |
Indian Child - India's caste system | www.indianchild.com/ |
Dalit Sahitya Research Foundation - Gautam Book Centre | www.ambedkar.org/ |
Books By Dr. Ambedkar | www.ambedkar.org/ |
National Commission for Backward Classes | http://ncbc.nic.in/ |
Ambedkar Scholarships Friends for Education International |
www.ambedkarscholarship.org/ |
Govind Ballabh Pant Social Science Institute | http://gbpssi.nic.in/ |
The Romani People - Rromane dźene
Jai Bhim Network - Hungary | www.jaibhim.hu |
Dr. Ambedkar High School - Hungary | www.ambedkar.eu |
Forbidden touch | www.dalit.eu |
The Hindu - Ambedkar in Hungary by Pardeep Attri |
http://www.hindu.com |
Buddhism and the Romani By Nella Lou |
http://enlightenmentward.wordpress.com |
Native American / First Nations People |
United American Indians of New England | http://idt.net/~uaine19/uainemai.htm |
The League of Indigenous Sovereign Nations of the Western Hemisphere | www.lisn.net/ |
Navite Web Resources for Indigenous Cultures around the World | www.nativeweb.org/ |
First Nations | www.dickshovel.com/ |
American Indian Movement | www.dickshovel.com/AIMIntro.html |
Big Mountain Dineh Relocation Resistance | www.theofficenet.com/ |
Index of Native American Resources on the Internet | www.hanksville.org/NAresources/ |
Lakota Dakota Nakota Spiritual Group | http://members.tripod.com/sapawiyaka/ |
Independent News Sources |
Democracy Now Resistance Radio | http://democracynow.org/ |
Independent Media Institute | www.alternet.org/ |
Independent Media Center | www.indymedia.org/ |
The Village Voice | www.villagevoice.com/ |
The Drudge Report | www.drudgereport.com/ |
Alternative News Sources | http://www.alternet.org/ |
Cafe Progressive's Newswire | www.cafeprogressive.com/ |
Pacific News Service | www.pacificnews.org/ |
Mother Jones Wire | http://bsd.mojones.com/ |
Noam Chomsky Archive | www.zmag.org/chomsky/index.cfm |
Common Courage Press | www.commoncouragepress.com/ |
21 Alternative News | www.hologramophone.com/earwaves/ |
The Earth Times | www.earthtimes.org/ |
Email Lists |
Prison Activist List | http://prisonactivist.org/ |
Stop Police Abuse List | http://groups.yahoo.com/group/stop-polabuse/ |
Critical Resistance List | www.egroups.com/subscribe/critresisteast |
Abolish List The Mailing List For People Working to Abolish the Death Penalty. |
abolish-subscribe@npogroups.org |
Prison Medical Issues |
Hepatitis C Support Project | www.hcvadvocate.org |
Hepatitis C Awareness Project | Hepcaware@aol.com |
Hepatitis Foundation International | www.hepfi.org/ |
Hep C Advocate Network | hepcan1@aol.com |
Hepatitis C Action & Advocacy Coalition (HAAC-NY) | James_Learned@Prodigy.net |
Back to Life | BacktoLife@emailaccount.com |
Hep C Connection | www.hepc-connection.org |
Frontline Hepatitis | http://frontline-hepatitis-awareness.com |